Thursday, March 6, 2008

I think this might just be the first of many

I finally got the results of the blood work and we were not pregnant. So like Howard said I went back to have a full workup done. I found out I had to see someone because the blood work hadn't been ordered yet. I told the Physician's Assistant everything that had been going on, and how my feet swelled after being on them for 15 minutes. He never looked at my legs or feet, and told me, "Well, just stay off them." I couldn't believe it! He then told me that my heartburn and nausea weren't related, and I need to stop trying to make them be related. You could tell the P.A. just thought it was a load of crap, and I guess he thought I just wanted pain medicine. (which he didn't give me any) What a jerk! Where was Howard? Anyways, I had to go have a full workup done. He did give me medicine for my heartburn and another for nausea.

I had to go pee in a cup, and after about 20 minutes the P.A. came in and told me they found Bilirubin in my urine. I had no idea what it meant, and all I got from him was "It has something to do with your liver." Great, what was the something?

When I left I called a friend of mine, I knew he would know what Bilirubin was. He was able to set my mind at ease, and told me what symptoms could occur and if so to go back to the doctor. I guess it is just a waiting game now.