Wednesday, June 24, 2009

My Baby is not a baby anymore!

Yesterday was Christian's birthday, he turned 9. Where does time go? Yesterday I realized that he is no longer a baby, he is a young man. Where did my baby go? I guess that means no more "baby kisses", they were special kisses he would give me. Where did the last 9 years go? He did sit in my lap and cuddle with me, it has been way too long.

I smile just thinking about him. He has the most incredible laugh, and the sweetest smile. He just melts my heart. He is absolutely goofy and wild, but that is Christian.

This year has been so eye opening. I now have a teenager and no baby anymore. I have finished school, and am now living my dream of becoming a teacher.

I just wanted to let Christian know how much I love him, and that I hope he had a wonderful birthday. I love you, Tutor Bill!